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21st Century Scholars         (7th & 8th Grade Only):

High school is right around the corner. And college isn’t far off either! As an Indiana middle school student, you may qualify for a scholarship that can help you pay for your college tuition. You can enroll as a Scholar as early as 7th grade – but no later than June 30th of your 8th grade year. There are a few things you’ll need to do first – like keeping your grades up, pledging to do your best, and completing activities each year of high school. Plus, you’ll need to meet a few eligibility requirements.

To Apply: Parents/Guardians must apply online at by June 30th of the student’s 8th grade year. This program is based on household income and all necessary information can be found at the website listed above. Please feel free to email Mrs. Gerlach at or Ms. Little at if you have any questions about this program.

SCMS School Counseling Office

The counseling team at Silver Creek Middle School seeks to promote student success in the areas of academic, career, and social & emotional development.


Meet Our Counselors

Hayley Little

Hayley Little
Titles: Counselor, 7th Grade & 8th Grade M-Z

Emily Losey

Emily Losey
Titles: Counselor, 6th Grade & 8th Grade A-L